UI and API web app development - AHA Catch

AHA Catch is a system to help communities track and trace the progress of Asian Hornet sightings and nest destruction. Developed with local communities in the UK Kent area, we designed and delivered a full stack solution to assist AHA in building tools and manage the Asian Hornet problem.

Anyone can join the AHA community, help report sightings, set traps and build a strong response to the problem.

View the web app

AHA Catch web app development - map and filter view

AHA Catch web app – map and filter view

AHA Catch web app development - report sighting / nest / station

AHA Catch web app – report sighting / nest / station

Web app development

Using a React user interface, supported by a robust API and full backend infrastructure the app is able to display and share data through integrations with other community data tracking tools. With an 8 week development cycle to bring the web app to the community testing stage, the system is now in use preparing for the upcoming nesting seasons.

Asian Hornet Alert CATCH. Web app user interface design.

Asian Hornet Alert CATCH. Web app user interface development.

Community tools and integrations

Following the alpha launch for live field testing we continue to work with the AHA team to develop integrations with other community tracking systems, provide public access to sighting and nest location data, and provide tools to help other developers integrate similar solutions.

Other local solutions such as BuzzCopper are currently integrating their AI monitoring and IoT solutions, leveraging the reporting API features of the Catch web app.