Asian Hornet Alert CATCH. Track and Trace system to help tackle the Asian Hornet problem across the UK. Launched early 2024 the system allows local communities to tackle this problem from the ground up.
Web app user interface design kicked off the journey, through community workshops, and addressing the current industry problem of data sharing for invasive species, we developed an intuitive framework to address the communities needs.

Asian Hornet Alert CATCH. Web app user interface design.
Web app user interface design
Design was achieved using Figma, a collaborative tool with sharable interactive designs, allowing the Catch team and community workshop participants to understand the user experience and offer feedback.
Refined through community user testing the design offers an intuitive user experience that can be used on the go when mapping sightings and address the problems of the community.

Component and state variations and user experience testing.

Interactive Figma designers.
Latest developments
The AHA team are one of our core partners driving grass roots problem solving using innovate technology solutions. We continue to extend the underlying infrastructure and grow adoption through community engagement.